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Our events are meant to empower women to meet like minded individuals in a stance to share and grow their opportunities and invigorate their minds to push through.


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Becoming the Proverbs 31 Woman Event! Congrats Dom on a successful event, your panel was bomb everyone was dropping gems for how to get started with their business, keeping your faith when you know you have a purpose, creating a pitch emails for influencers, social media content, and actually putting those plans into motion with SMART goals! It was all bomb, and I seen ya vision gf! You've been planning this since the summer and I'm so happy you are fulfilled! -Amanda Barfield
This event was the EPITOME of #BlackGirlMagic. The atmosphere, the transparency of the panel, the hospitality of the host, the safe place created for beautiful black women to come together and express their experiences of their craft was overwhelmingly beautiful. Any event Dominique Danielle host I recommend you attend, trust its not to be slept on. She is a certified class act and she presents a panel of valuable women who share their testimonies in ways that truly motivate, uplift and inspire. I'm so blessed to have went. Thank you for sharing your gift. -Sundi
The ladies I believe felt life a life change!! That was on time for them Dom! Keep going!! -Crystal Bailey
Yesterday was really really amazing!!! Everyone did good! It was so much information and transparency!! You did sooooooooo good!!! You were comfortable and confident!!!! You were really being yourself!!! I loved it!! -Sherelle Avery
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